1st Annual Back-to-School Drive
for Students in Africa
I remember being super enthused to watch the TV show The Reading Rainbow with host Levar Burton as a child. I can still remember the words from the theme song , which goes as follows, “I can go anywhere,… I can be anything…take a look, it’s in a book”. These words are inspiring because they are true. Books afford us many opportunities and raise our ability to learn, think, grow, experience, create and feel. Books are indeed a great unifier in a world where access means everything. Books offer a chance for anyone to succeed no matter their situation. As a huge proponent of education, I recognize how critical they are in inspiring and elevating our young leaders to become great problem solvers.
On that note, I would like to request your support for flightunit’s: 1st Annual Back -to- School Drive for Students in Africa. We would love to have you be a part of this incredible leadership initiative to bring joy, knowledge and resources to the students of rural Ghana, Africa. To help change lives, we ask for the following items; educational activity books, coloring books, pencils, crayons, backpacks, and school utensils (i.e.: rulers, scissors, erasers, etc.). Additionally, we would also ask for your support to help cover the shipping cost of $5000.00 to distribute these items to and across rural Ghana, Africa. With your support, we know we can make a significant impact and bring about a brighter future this September and for future generations to come. If you, your class, school or organization would like to make a positive contribution to improve the lives of others, please get in touch with us today. For more info on how you can be a part of positive change, you can email us at info@flightunit.com. That said we would like to thank you in advance for your time and any support that you can provide. Stay blessed!
Christoff Kyere
Founder of flightunit