- Tech Savviness
The days when employees could get by without possessing up-to-date technical skills are long gone. The Fourth Industrial Revolution — which refers to technologies such as autonomous vehicles, digital healthcare sensors, and facial ID recognition — is changing how we work, live, and interact with our peers. Employers want to hire candidates who are comfortable adapting to new technologies.
2. Emotional Intelligence
Forbes reports that emotional intelligence ranks high on employers’ wish list. Applicants who can recognize and respond to their own emotions and the emotions of others are in high demand, as this skill allows them to navigate the complexities of social interactions in the workplace.
3. Decision-Making
Every decision made by an employee can have an impact on the entire company. Job applicants who can demonstrate that they know how to identify and evaluate options and then make sound decisions that will positively impact company productivity, employee morale, and the team as a whole rank high on a hiring manager’s wish list.
4. Problem-Solving Capabilities
Hiring managers often ask interviewees to talk about a time when they solved a complex problem in a creative or innovative way. They ask this question to learn if an applicant can approach a dilemma from various angles and find out-of-the-box solutions. Candidates who possess refined problem-solving skills stand out from their peers.
5. Leadership
There are a variety of soft skills that help people become better leaders, including communication skills, problem-solving skills, and project management skills. Individuals who take time to work on the competencies that grow their leadership abilities may find that it’s easier to land the jobs they want.
6. Conflict Resolution
Conflict in the workplace can hinder productivity and increase employee turnover rates. This makes employees who have the ability to work through and move past disagreements with their peers valuable.
7. Written Communication Written communication encompasses everything from contracts to emails. Individuals who are unable to compose clear, concise, error-free messages are unlikely to get ahead in the workplace.
8. Verbal Communication
Strong verbal communication skills help people relay information clearly and concisely. This saves time and helps avoid the misinterpretation of messages. Hiring managers look for candidates who can demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively
9. Creativity
A growing number of companies are turning to technology and automation to streamline processes. However, the need for creative individuals who can help design products and solutions for tomorrow remains strong.
10. Adaptability
Technology is ever-changing, and managers want to hire people who are willing to learn. The ability to adapt to change in the workplace is more important than ever.
11. Negotiation
It’s one thing to have a great product or concept. It’s another to be able to persuade people to buy into it. Strong negotiation skills are a must-have in the workplace, regardless of whether an employee works in sales or project management.
12. Willingness to Actively Help Others
Companies understand that if they want to gain a competitive edge, they need to hire managers who can build successful teams. Team members who work together and help each other so they can succeed as a unit are valued in the workplace.
13. Collaboration
Teamwork is a critical attribute in the workplace, and it’s not unusual for hiring managers to ask about your ability to function on a team. When companies are tasked with complex projects, employees’ ability to collaborate with others becomes increasingly important.
14. People Management
The ability to manage people is arguably among the most important leadership skills that hiring managers look for, because this skill has a direct impact on productivity and morale. Individuals who possess strong people-management skills can help lead teams through workplace transitions and periods of uncertainty.
15. Critical Thinking
Critical thinkers understand that problems aren’t always black and white. They’re able to view a problem from all angles and understand how to analyze and evaluate the information they have, before they make a decision. It’s not surprising that employers look for candidates who are capable of high-level thinking about complex problems.
16. Time Management
Learning how to manage your time effectively will serve you well throughout your career. Not only will it allow you to accomplish more in less time, but strong time-management skills can help you focus and be more successful in the workplace.
By Michael Bruno