When we watch children play, we can quickly see the presence or lack of respect. Our interactions significantly impact who we are, how we feel, and how we see the world. Therefore, we must start having more conversations in and around this powerful word, “respect.” When we feel respected, we are more likely to showcase an empowered and confident version of ourselves. If our goal is to live our best life, we must ask ourselves two fundamental questions: 1) what things and character traits do I respect in other people? And 2) what things and features do I appreciate about myself? These are two critical questions we should all ask ourselves to become aware of our influences and internal compass. Beyond these, there are several benefits to asking ourselves these questions, including the following to name a few:
Reason # 1: Looking at and analyzing other people is much easier; we can witness, hear about or experience these things. These things usually inspire us and increase our resolve in what we should strive for.
Reason # 2: The things we respect can improve and decrease us. Therefore, we must constantly evaluate the things that we place value in.
Reason # 3: When we can identify the things we respect about others, it is a great road map to better understanding ourselves and the direction(s) we are moving towards.
Respect is such a beautiful and potent thing that many of us fail to comprehend daily. For many, this simple mistake unknowingly reduces our quality of life. If a broken clock can be right twice a day, we all deserve to be respected! To become excellent leaders, we must recognize that respect is a superhero power. When we acknowledge people’s areas of greatness or exceptional skills, we are giving life and enhancing the ability for everyone to grow leaps and bounds. For respect to become more impactful, it must be shared. On that note, I would like to challenge you; the next time you say or hear this quote, “to get respect, we must give respect (first),” be sure to tap into the totality of this statement. If we recognize and treat “respect” as an energy source, we will be able to experience its powerful boomerang effect only when we begin to share it. That said, are you ready to take a giant leap as a leader and enhance your life by acknowledging the strengths of others more often and consistently?
By Christoff Kyere